For One Books™

The vast majority of what passes for “Christian literature” today is theologically shallow and self-serving. Many people who profess to be believers in Christ are too busy to read books containing sound doctrine and are, instead, enamored with pop psychology and self-help manuals that claim to be Christian merely because they quote a verse from the Bible every now and then. Too many people want books that tell them how to “get the most” out of their Christian life. They are guided by the question, “What’s in this for me?” For One Books is guided by a different question…

How can my life bring glory and honor to God?

For centuries, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ understood the biblical doctrines that place the focus on God — not man. For One Books publishes books designed to reacquaint Christians with these doctrines that have been all but lost in our post-modern mankind-centered world. While we are certainly the beneficiaries of God’s redemptive plan, we need to understand that His plan is first and foremost for His glory. The Bible was written for us — but it is about God.

Likewise, we hope you benefit from the books published here — but they were written for the sole purpose of bringing glory to God. They were written for One.

We sincerely hope you enjoy these titles…


A Modern Baptist Catechism is a blend of the classic catechisms written by Baptist theologians of the past like Benjamin Keach, John Bunyan, and Charles Spurgeon — only written in a style that will be more understandable to the modern reader. It is a summary of the historic doctrines that Baptists have cherished for centuries, but don’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of some of them before — many churches stopped teaching them years ago in order to be more man-centered and “relevant to the culture.”

But it is time to rediscover what Baptists have long believed — Scripture isn’t man-centered, it is God-centered and there is nothing more “relevant” to your life than knowing the great truths God has revealed about Himself in His Word.

There are no “new” truths here. Just the old ones rediscovered.

Paperback, 162 pages

By Chip Bayer

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Lord of the Law provides biblical answers to questions many Christians have about secular laws and their relationship with them…

  • Should Christians always obey the law?
  • What about laws that are contrary to Scripture?
  • What about oppressive governments?
  • Is resisting the government ever the right thing?

Lord of the Law tries to answer these questions (and more) from a biblical perspective — with the hope of clearing up a lot of common misconceptions about what God’s Word says on this topic.

Paperback, 80 pages

By Chip Bayer

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Evolution and Creationism clash once again in the tiny town of Hillsboro, where the proponents of evolution intend to make an example of a young science teacher who refuses to ignore evidence pointing to the possibility of a creator. Strong legal power is brought to bear in an effort to set a legal precedent that would influence American courts for years to come in what the media calls the “Monkey Trial II.” The only thing in the way is a local attorney with a questionable past and the strength to stand on conviction.

“Inherit the Kingdom” is a Christian response to the evolutionist play “Inherit the Wind.”

Paperback, 238 pages

by Chip Bayer


If you’ve ever wondered whether God is a God of love or a God of wrath, whether or not God knows everything, or if God changes, then this book is for you. Written in a style that is suitable for older children, youth, and even adults, “What is God Like?” is a creative introduction to the character of God and doesn’t shy away from the tough questions. It is an engaging and entertaining introduction to the doctrine of God.

Paperback, 220 pages

by Hack Scribbler

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